Friday, August 18, 2017

Funny words

Funny funny 

The teacher in class 10 asked his classmates a day. Which number of digits do you like?

Many of the kids answered many questions but the boy hated a child's answer. That guy was the answer ...

The reason for the number 7 is the best number

1. Seven colors combine to create beautiful rainbow.
2. Music is composed of seven voices.
3. It is the same for seven days, a week.
4. The word "FRIENDS" comes from seven English letters.

The teacher ran the child's shoulder
"Fulfilling yourself in the future will be great."

This is not the one who is the boy

You'd have to say something to you, but that's not a secret between friends ...

Cute words

Cute words 

Once Charlie Chaplin came up with a joke in an audience and began to laugh at people who heard of it ...
Chaplin has repeated the same joke again ... this time some people just laugh ...
And again, Chaplin said the same joke ...
But nobody laughs ...
Then Chaplin said these beautiful words.
If you're not able to laugh again and again, why you're crying again and again ...
So enjoy every moment of your life. Life is beautiful ...

Today is the 125th birthday of Chaplin. Listen to the heartfelt words of his heart.

1. There is nothing in this world. Our faults ...

2. I like to walk in the rain because no one can hear my tears

3. The day that most of us wasted was the day we did not laugh ...

Please laugh and share this message with your friends ...
 I do not have time to hate those who hate me!
I love those who love me ...
Love is busy!

 Love those who do not love ..
Love laughing lovers ..
They'll cry inside ...

 I do not know.?
Love for life.
Love the school
Life began with hate ...

 I have done so much for you, you have not done anything for me yet ...?
From the feeling that there is disturbance in relationships ..!

 How about life
Do not give up in the relationships!
Or we can be alone in your life when you're busy ...

 Find the heart that loves you in the worst possible situation!
If you find them you have found "love"!

 Find affordable hands at the time of its expiration.
Find the eyes you see in the most ugly way ..!

 Once a bird asked the bees ...
How difficult it is to make honey.
Do not you feel bad when people take it off?
The bees said ...
     No ... because.
They can honey but they can not take my ability to do it ....

Please send us a message to your loved ones as I sent it to you for the happiness of a mind .. If we can make us happy one day we will succeed!

Saji Nellikala

  Saji Nellikala  My song